Travel Account: Oslo

There has always been a part of me that, despite the obsession with fashion and more contemporary matters, has been fascinated by Ancient Nordic pagan culture. Myths and stories told by legendary poets about the heroic adventures of Vikings, Gods and terrible giants, permeated with a mysterious and magical aura given by their deep connection […]

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A Fairy Tale In The Making…

Once Upon a Time there was a girl with messy hair and flowery skirts who liked writing and clumsily doodling on colourful notepads filled with photographs and seemingly worthless pieces of paper that carried her silly, happy memories. She loved collecting what other people thought was useless crap, and treasured those little talismans impatiently waiting […]

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Milano, Milano, Milano.

I must admit I got quite obsessed with my last holiday destination. I just cannot stop talking about it. You know when you get annoyed at those people that, no matter how unrelated the topic of conversation is, they wouldn’t stop talking about that place they have lived in or being on holiday to and […]

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